Features - News - July 18, 2019

Mandela Day 2019: UN marks 10th year of commemoration

In celebration of the life of former President of South Africa and anti-apartheid activist Nelson Mandela, the global community Thursday observed the 2019 Nelson Mandela International Day. The annual event is dedicated to honoring Mandela`s life and virtues of humility and forgiveness as well as his struggle for democracy and inclusive societies across the world.



The Nelson Mandela International Day was first observed by the United Nations in July 18, 2010 – shortly after it was officially declared in November, 2009. The global event recognizes the legacies of Mandela and aims to inspire individuals to take action through their individual powers to transform the world and empower their communities.

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) had on the occasion of Nelson Mandela Peace Summit in September, 2018 at New York, declared the period between 2019 and 2028 as the Nelson Mandela Decade of Peace “For his [Nelson Mandela] humility, forgiveness and compassion, acknowledging as well his contribution to the struggle for democracy and the promotion of a culture of peace throughout the world,” says a public 9statement published on the UN`s website.

“By this [declaration], Heads of State and Government and Member States representatives [have] reaffirmed their commitment to uphold the sovereign equality of all States and respect for their territorial integrity and political independence, as well as the duty of Member States to refrain from the threat or use of force,” the statement added.

According to the declaration which was adopted at the 73rd session of the UNGA, peace and security as well as human rights and development were the pillars of the United Nations system and the foundations for collective security and well‑being. “We commit to redouble our efforts to build a just, peaceful, prosperous, inclusive and fair world, and to revive the values for which Nelson Mandela stood by placing human dignity at the center of our actions. We commit to demonstrating mutual respect, tolerance, understanding and reconciliation in our relations,” pledged the UN leaders, according to the declaration.