Podcasts - February 3, 2025

PODCAST | “All 3 Candidates for AU Commission Leadership Failed Key Question of Pan-Africanism” Prof Tieku

In the 4th episode of the African Development Podcast, Thomas Kwasi Tieku, Professor of Politics and International Relations at the University of Western Ontario, Canada, speaks about the upcoming African Union elections decrying the fact that none of the three candidates for the chairpersonship of the AU Commission has yet properly answered the key question of Pan-Africanism.

Prof Tieku says the ideal AU Commission chairperson must believe in the principle of Pan-Africanism i.e Africa’s unity, solidarity, self-sufficiency, and self-determination, and should not be obsessed with micromanaging the Commission but rather spend more time in the Member States – and not just with the Presidents – rather mobilizing student groups, trade unions, civil society, and parliaments to push the presidents to implement AU decisions and protocols.

The negotiation expert criticized those calling for the reform of the AU which he described as “one of the world’s most well-designed institutions.” He said successive reforms have not allowed the AU to work since it came into being in 2001 and have consequently left the continental body worse off institutionally and structurally and created a sense of insecurity among its staff and division among its leadership.

The international organization expert also spoke on other crucial issues like the role of the Commission chairperson in presenting Africa’s case in global foras and making the continent a force to reckon with in international affairs as well as the dynamics of AU’s relations with its donor partners, particularly the perception that the AU’s agenda is heavily influenced by donor countries who fund its program and operation budgets.

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